Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Security Blanket

For the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling like Linus... after someone took my blanket away.
Having a plan, having a major in school, is such a security item for me.
It makes me feel safe, gives me status.
And now, I don't have one.

I am realizing that I hate being in school. Don't get me wrong, I love to learn. But school...eugh. I have no joy, passion, or energy for it. I do it because it's work.

Is it wrong to quit, despite all of the benefits of school/degree, if I have no desire, passion, or interest in spending that much money, time, and energy on it?

At the worst, I feel stuck, directionless, unsafe.
At the best, I know that I am not an incomplete person. I will find my direction, and I am not going to settle for something that I hate. I know that I have a purpose, and will find out how to apply what gives me joy to my life.

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