Friday, April 30, 2010

Maybe the Swede's really do do it better...

I can't stop listening to Cloud 8's album "The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming." It's like aloe vera for the soul! It is the perfect album for driving through the countryside, or curling your hair, or making breakfast.
Speaking of food, I made a delicious, recipe-less dinner earlier this week!
*Roasted Rosemary Red Potatoes (rrrrr!)
*Lemon-Basil Chicken
*Greens with Cherry Tomatoes and Caesar dressing

Oh happy Friday :)
This weekend will include:
Making tasty coffee drinks for thirsty people,
Delicious vegetarian dinner at Nearly Normal's with my old roommate Laura,
Spending time with Tribe,
Playing indoor soccer!,
Hopefully seeing my family.

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